I really didn't plan to use this blog for advertising, but since we're giving two of my books away free, I don't guess it's really advertising. For two days only (January 13th and 14th), if you have a Kindle reader or application, we're giving away Escape to Destiny and Ghost in the Dark. These are the first two books in the Galactic Axia adventure and young reader series.
Just click on these covers to go directly to the Kindle Store for your free copies of Escape to Destiny and Ghost in the Dark.
Oh yeah, and since I'm violating my own rule of non-advertising on this blog, I might as well mention that I've begun a limited editing and proofreading service. If you write, and you think you need someone to lookat your, I may be able to help. Please visit my
Editorial Services page at my website.
OK, that's the last bit of advertising. Now for sports..... Or is it weather next? Can't remember.